Vol.11 アートに出合う喜びをごく身近に体感できる...

文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo

Vol.11 アートに出合う喜びをごく身近に体感できる、お薦めギャラリーはこちらです!  

Recommended galleries where you can feel the joy of encountering art up close.


1900年代初頭に建てられ、金属製のドア工場だったというビルの2階にあるギャラリー、Hometown。オーナーのアダムさんはいつもこの窓際のデスクに座っていて、にこやかに訪問客を迎えてくれます。 Hometown--a gallery on the second floor of a building built in the early 1900s, which used to house a metal door factory. Adam Yokell, the owner, is always sitting at this desk by the window, warmly welcoming visitors.



When you try to have two or more different “events” and “things,” or “personalities” coexist in a space that is limited or is in itself extremely characteristic, it’s sure to be very enjoyable, but the work can also be quite difficult at times. For instance, although you may want to place a rococo style bed in a small Japanese tatami room, it’s not that simple a matter to create a pleasant place to sleep.

This is what happened last summer when I visited Hometown, a gallery where a friend was holding a two-artist collaboration. My friend is a sculptor who works mainly in steel. The other artist exhibited geometric reliefs featuring laser-cut pieces of wood on plaster. By the way, although I love art, I confess to being a total amateur. As a “regular person” I have long thought, “there’s nothing as dull as a two-artist collaboration.” That’s because compared to a group exhibition that can overwhelm with the sheer number of works on display, in a two-artist collaboration, since a very deep relationship exists, when one artist tends to be totally self-assertive or stands out uncommonly, that kind of pettiness is quite obvious to an observer.


When I arrived at the gallery on opening night, the room was already packed and steamy with people. But what I saw that night in what definitely could not be called a large space, were works differing completely in the materials they used, their form, and their size, but were controlled, low-toned, and embraced each other lightly. In contrast to the noise of the crowd, there was a dignified silence there. And in that solemn harmony the full brilliance of each was clearly evident. I couldn’t help but be astonished.

取材当日に行われていたのはインスタグラムを通じて知り合ったという画家、Andrea Joyce Heimerの個展「A JEALOUS PERSON」。アクリルと鉛筆を使って描かれた細やかなストーリーについ見入ってしまいます。 When I visited Hometown to conduct the interview, Andrea Joyce Heimer, an artist I became acquainted with through Instagram, was holding her solo show, “A JEALOUS PERSON”. I was captivated by the detailed story drawn in acrylic and pencil.


“The two were very different. But they overlapped on some themes. A structural strength, but an evanescence and fragility conveyed from the design. That’s why the process of this two-artist collaboration began with them taking the time to discuss how they felt about each other’s works. After that they visited each other’s studios. In the end, it took the three of us three days to set up the exhibition.”

久しぶりに気持ちを揺さぶられた二人展を見たせいで、これを後ろで支えていたのは一体どんな人だろう? と思い続けていました。そして、ようやく会うことが叶ったオーナーのアダムさんは、ゆったり、言葉を選ぶようにしてこう教えてくれたのです。しかも、ここを始める前は「Artsy(アーツィ)」という世界中のギャラリーや美術館などのコレクションを誰でも手軽にネットで検索、閲覧、購入できるリソースサービスの弁護士をしていたというのですから驚きです。

It’s been quite a while since a two-artist collaboration shook me in such a way. This led me to wonder what kind of person was behind the event, supporting it. And, when I finally had the chance to meet the gallery’s owner, Adam Yokell, that was what he told me while slowly and carefully selecting his words. I was surprised to learn that before starting this gallery, he was a lawyer at Artsy, an art resource service that allows people to search, view, and purchase art from galleries and museum collections around the world over the Internet.



“I studied art history in college and then in a Master's program. Then I decided to become a lawyer—maybe because I wanted to grow more. I joined Artsy in 2011, just around the time of its launch, and the work there was fascinating. But my true passion and interest was always art before law.

That’s why he decided to directly support artists here. His second career in life began just one year ago with this return to his “Hometown.”

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