Vol.07 “食”もただいま進化中! ニューカマーの...

文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo

Vol.07 “食”もただいま進化中! ニューカマーのこの2軒にご注目を。

An evolving dining scene as well! Two riveting newcomers to Bushwick.


建築の仕事をしていたオーナー、レイチェルさんの感性が光る「ル・ガレージ」。黄色い壁と大きな窓が入りやすい雰囲気をつくってくれています。 The artistic sensibility of owner Rachel Allswant, who used to work in architecture, shines at Le Garage. The bright yellow walls and large windows make the restaurant very inviting.


A convenient way to get to Bushwick from Manhattan is to take the L train from 14th Street and get off at Morgan Avenue or Jefferson Street station. But another route you can take is the M Line from Midtown, which crosses a bridge over the East River. Compared to the L train that speeds through a tunnel, you can enjoy a leisurely view from the windows on the M train. And here, near the M line’s Central Avenue station, you find nestled together two restaurants providing a genuine dining experience.

レイチェルさん(右)と母でシェフのキャサリンさん。壁にはキャサリンさんが70年代から経営してきたレストランの写真がかかっています。 Rachel (right) and Catherine, her mother and chef. The pictures on the wall show restaurants managed by Catherine since the 1970s.

1軒目は、 車庫だった建物の外壁を鮮やかな黄色に塗り替えて、いつも窓を大きく開けている姿が印象的なフランス料理店、「ル・ガレージ」。

The first is Le Garage, a French restaurant presenting a striking façade. The walls of former garages are painted bright yellow and the windows are always wide open. It opened in November last year, and hearing that it was now serving brunch, I went over and ordered Le Garage Omelette. The deliciously prepared omelet, which was served while I was enjoying a French draft beer, just melted away in my mouth along with the aroma of quality butter. The potatoes in duck fat on the side were also fantastic. This is clearly not your everyday omelet!

「うちは夜、紙ではなく布ナプキンを使うお店だから、地元の人はまだ少し恥ずかしがっているように見えるけど、だんだん私たちを受け入れてくれているわ! でもそれを見ているのも、マンハッタンからわざわざ来てくれるお客さんが多いのも嬉しいの」。座っているだけでフランスにいるような気分になれる、ここ「ル・ガレージ」のオーナー、レイチェルさんは「シェフで母のキャサリンは、私が生まれる1年前の1976年、サンフランシスコに初めて自分のお店をつくったの。当時そこはブッシュウィックのような新しい街! だからご近所の、ハッピーな家族のレストランというここのコンセプトもそこから来ているの。こうなったのも、きっと生まれたときからレストランにいるからね」と笑います。「母はいまもパリに2軒のレストランをもっているのよ」

“Since we’re a restaurant that uses cloth napkins at night, not paper, the locals still seem to be a little shy, but they are warming up to us little by little! But I’m happy to see, that also many of our customers go out of their way, to come here, from Manhattan.” Just sitting there, made me feel like I was in France. “Catherine, our chef and my mother, opened her first restaurant in San Francisco in 1976, one year before I was born. At that time, it was a new neighborhood just like Bushwick! That’s where the idea for this restaurant came from, a happy family restaurant in a neighborhood that is growing. This probably came about because I was virtually brought up in a restaurant since the day I was born” laughs Le Garage owner Rachel Allswang. "My mother still owns two restaurants in Paris.”

人気の前菜三種(手前:ラディッシュとセサミシーソルト、左奥:フォアグラとオレンジマーマレード、リークとディジョンマスタードのヴィネグレット)。キャサリンさんは旅先で出会った各国のスパイスなどもふんだんに使います。 Three popular appetizers (Clockwise from front: Radish, sesame sea salt; Foie gras, orange marmalade; Leeks Dijon mustard vinaigrette). Catherine also makes lavish use of spices from around the world, which she encountered in her trips abroad.


Rachel’s former work was related to architecture, and this is the first time for her to run a restaurant with her mother. The fresh sensibilities of Rachel have received the support of Catherine’s genuine flavor and attention to detail, which have been cultivated over her long years in the business. And, Rachel told us, “We’re really lucky. The chef at Maite next door is fantastic! We can probably grow together.”

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