Vol.17 ブッシュウィックに来たらぜひ立ち寄りたい...

文:林 菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.) photographs by Fumihiko Sugino artwork by Shun Sudo

Vol.17 ブッシュウィックに来たらぜひ立ち寄りたい、東欧の味を気軽に楽しめる店2軒。

When in Bushwick, be sure to stop by these two stores to casually enjoy Eastern European cuisine.


街でよく見かけるデリカテッセンですが、ここ「セネカ・ガーデン」はポーランド人の店です。 One of the many delis you see around town, but Seneca Garden is Polish.


"If you're going to a diner, go to one run by a Greek." That’s what a New Yorker told me shortly after I arrived in the city. This hint to finding good places to eat proved to be quite helpful. Hamburgers and pancakes are fixtures at American diners, so diners are all pretty much the same—or so I thought at the time.
When I lived in downtown Manhattan, every morning I would go to a Korean grocery in my neighborhood and take out a bagel with lots of cream cheese. As you know, a bagel, a typical New York breakfast item, is a type of bread said to have been brought over to the United States by Jewish people from eastern Europe. Then, you may be wondering, what was I doing buying this every morning at a store run by a Korean? But as you also know, New York is a city of immigrants. Back in those days when there were still very few cafes where you could have breakfast, a clean and well-stocked Korean grocery in the neighborhoo
d was a requisite.

セネカ・ガーデンの総菜コーナーはランチにお薦め! 日本人も大好きなロールキャベツ、肉や白身魚のフライ、ハンガリー伝統のビーフシチュー「グヤーシュ」などが並びます。 Seneca Garden's deli corner is highly recommended for lunch. The delicacies offered include cabbage rolls, a Japanese favorite, deep fried fish and meat, and goulash, the traditional Hungarian beef stew.


Time passed, and I made a Polish friend. He took me to Greenpoint in Brooklyn, which was, at that time, home to the largest Polish community in New York. There I found that Polish food is a perfect match to Japanese taste buds. So much so that doughnuts filled with a not-too-sweet jam; smoked sausage, kielbasa, that is delicious even by itself; and a white borscht soup with just the right amount of tang, have become standard fare in my household.

右からセネカ・ガーデンのオーナー、グレゴリー・ヴァリグラさん、シェフのアリシア・シュフェンスコフカさん、開店当初からの従業員アグネスカ・シュコフスカさん、グレゴリーさんの娘ニコル・ヴァリグラさん。手前のトレーに載っているのが、出来立てのポーランド風餃子「ピエロギ」です。 From right: Gregory Waligora, proprietor of Seneca Garden; Alicya Swieczkowska, chef; Agnieszka Siolkowska, a member of the staff from when the store opened; and Nichole Waligora, Gregory's daughter. On the tray are freshly cooked Polish dumplings called pierogi.


My current apartment in Bushwick is just a few blocks away from Ridgewood in the neighboring borough of Queens, and so I was able to find my way to the Polish delicatessens without any problem.
"When I came to America around 2002, Ridgewood was second to Greenpoint in its Polish community. But more people started moving here due to soaring rents and other reasons, and several years ago it became home to the largest Polish community in New York," says Gregory Waligora, proprietor of Seneca Garden, which serves the best deli items by far. Thanks to this store, I can always purchase my favorite Polish ingredients in my neighborhood and casually enjoy freshly cooked Polish dumplings called pierogi. This is getting to be quite addictive since the pierogi at Seneca Garden are the best I've ever had.

セネカ・ガーデンの広々としたイートインスペースで寛ぐお客さんたち。大型テレビがあるのでスポーツ観戦ができたり、誕生日などプライベートなパーティにも使えます。 Customers relaxing in the roomy dining space of Seneca Garden. People can watch sporting events on its large television, and hold private parties for birthdays and other occasions.

「アリシアは長年シェフをしていて、そんな彼女がいまも楽しんでつくっているんだから、おいしいに決まっている! 近々グルテンを含まないものも出すつもりなんだよ」

Pierogi is Polish soul food that can be enjoyed deep fried or cooked with either hot or sweet fillings, such as meat, cheese, and berries. "Alicya has been a chef for years, and she still enjoys making pierogi; so of course it's great! We plan to offer gluten-free pierogi in the near future."
Before starting this store, Gregory used to deliver bread. "One day a friend told me about this store, and I decided to become the new owner. That was four years ago. My wife does the accounting, and we also have a staff member who has been working here since the store opened. I think all of this was made possible through the cooperation of my family, relatives, and friends." As testament to this, I could here boisterous sounds coming from the dining space at the back of the store. "They're our friends. They all gathered here today for a soccer match."

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