文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo
text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo
Vol.12 ブッシュウィック発の「ビーガン石けん」は、愛情を込めて、一つひとつ手づくりしています!
Vegan soap from Bushwick, handmade with love!
それは、バタバタと夫婦で旅行に出ることになり、慌てて近所で調達したトラベルサイズのシャンプーでした。正直「ヘアケア」なるものに何のこだわりももっていなかったうちの主人。が、生まれて初めて「オーガニック・ホホバオイル入りシャンプー」を使ったからでしょうか、急に「俺の脂っていうか、汚れ? そういうの全部、落ちた気がする」と言い出したのです。どうやらいままで使っていたモノに比べて驚くほど洗い心地がスッキリしていて、こうしてお気に入りを見つけたからには今後一切、ほかのモノは使いたくない!と言いたかったらしいのです。
It all started with a travel size shampoo hurriedly purchased at a nearby shop when my husband and I suddenly decided to go on a trip. Honestly, my husband has never given a second thought to “hair care,” but it must have been after trying organic jojoba oil shampoo for the first time in his life, he suddenly started saying, “It seems like all my grease—grime?—has been washed away.” Apparently he wanted to say that the product cleansed his hair amazingly well compared to what he had used before and that with this discovery, he never wants to use anything else.
ビーガン、つまり100%植物由来の石けんやフェイス、ヘアケアグッズなどを手作りしている「THE FANCIFUL FOX」の店内はいつもとてもいい香りがします。
「ここのメンズラインは20人ほどから協力を得て作ったんだけど、アフターシェイブローションの香りを決める時など『鼻の下からこんな変な臭いがするのは耐えられない』という厳しい声が結構上がったの! だから何度もやり直して、数ヶ月かけて完成させたのよ」
Inside The Fanciful Fox, a shop selling handmade vegan soap, face and hair care, and other products that are 100 percent plant derived, it always smells nice.
“Yes, that’s right. Men are much more particular than women!” chuckled the owner, Amanda Fox, when I spoke about this small, but startling, incident in my household.
“Our men’s line was created with the cooperation of some 20 men. We received quite a few harsh opinions such as when we were deciding on the fragrance for the aftershave lotion like, ‘I can’t stand this awful smell coming from under my nose’! So we did it over and over again, and it took several months to complete the line.”
そこから始まったフォックス家の手作り石けんは家族や友人に使ってもらううちに評判になり、2008年から本格的にビジネスを始めたそうです。そして、ここブッシュウィックにお店を構えたのは昨年9月のこと。私としてはやっとこんな丁寧な手仕事をするお店が近所にできたことが嬉しくて、その後もクリスマス、誕生日、ベイビーシャワーと機会がある毎に「THE FANCIFUL FOX」でギフトを買いました。そうこうしているうち知ったのは「ここでは一切パーム油を使わない」ということ。
Candle making was a pastime on rainy days at home in Pennsylvania. This was the start of the Fox family’s homemade soap. First used by the family and friends, its reputation spread and full-fledged business operations were launched in 2008. The store was opened here in Bushwick last September. I was just so happy to have a shop that puts so much care in making its products by hand that since that first purchase I have been buying gifts at The Fanciful Fox every time the opportunity arises, such as Christmas, birthdays, and baby showers. During those visits, I learned that “absolutely no palm oil is used here.”
“The situation is particularly bad in Indonesia.”