Vol.08 写真は「アナログ」が楽しい! みんなで使...

文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo

Vol.08 写真は「アナログ」が楽しい! みんなで使う「暗室」がいま人気です。

Analog photography is fun! Community darkrooms are in demand.

ニューヨークの注目エリア「ブッシュウィック」を案内する連載シリーズ「ブッシュウィックへようこそ!」。今回はアナログ写真のための「暗室」が人気を集めているというレポートです。手間と時間がかかる前時代的なアナログ写真が、いまなぜ注目されているのでしょうか? ニューヨークからの声をさっそくお届けしましょう!

ブッシュウィック・コミュニティ・ダークルームのボランティアの皆さん。カウンター右隅、黒いカーディガンを着ている女性が発起人のルシアさん、ソファーでフィルムを見ているのが白黒写真クラスの先生、キースさんです。 The Bushwick Community Darkroom volunteers. The woman wearing a black cardigan and sitting at the right corner of the counter is the founder, Lucia, and sitting on the sofa and looking at film is the black and white photography class instructor, Keith.


In this age of the Internet where everything can be done with a tap and click, we hardly had a moment to be astonished or thrilled before, with incredible speed, the smartphone became an integral part of our lives. It would appear that since it allowed anyone to easily take pictures and process images anytime and anywhere, and coupled with the surge of SNS and other new media platforms, it gave birth to this era where anyone can become a photographer. But in this fast, popular, and extremely convenient age of digital photography, there are people who dare to enter the time- and labor-consuming world of analog photography.

プライベートで使える暗室の一角。奥がカラー、手前が白黒プリントの引き伸ばし機です。このほか共同で利用できる暗室も完備されています。 A corner of a private darkroom. In the back is the color enlarger and in the front, the B&W enlarger. There are also gang darkrooms for joint use.


The Bushwick Community Darkroom, operated by volunteers, is a “darkroom” where you can develop photographic film, and make and enlarge prints. For those of you who are not familiar with this room, let me give a simple explanation. Since film and photographic printing paper will be ruined when exposed to light, it becomes absolutely necessary to have a dedicated working space, namely a “darkroom.” With the tools, a place, and a bit of enthusiasm, you can print black and white pictures at home, but this doesn’t follow for color photos because the process is more complex.

大きなライトボックスとルーペは「暗室」の必需品!これでフィルムに写っている画を確認します。 A big light table and loupe are must-haves in a darkroom. They’re used to confirm the image in the film.


“Nobody knows the analog color photography printing process today. That’s why we start from the basics in teaching people new to this process,” says Caleb, who teaches color printing in the darkroom workshop class at Bushiwick Community Darkroom. He has been a volunteer here since 2013. “The reason I came here was because there was no color darkroom at the university I was going to. I had just taken some documentary photos on color film, and so a darkroom was absolutely necessary.”


I learned that he was 23 years old--the generation that was probably using digital photographs as far back as they can remember. That led me to ask, “What made you step into this bothersome analog world?” I was one of those who learned photography as a student when analog was the only form that existed. Whenever I would be doing the time-consuming process of developing the film, I would worry about how the pictures would turn out. And each of the copies I would give out to friends was hand printed. But Caleb’s reply was, “Digital is too easy! The attraction of analog is that you have to wait for the process. That, for me, is an exploration and an adventure.”

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