ネットユーザーの間で、Google Mapに映し出されたある奇妙な光景が話題だ。
This Google Maps image captured in 2021 revealed a mysterious, triangular dark patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, sparking bizarre rumors about its origin. However, it turned out to be a small island with incredibly dense tree coverage. https://t.co/qLbBYasVuC
— Live Science (@LiveScience) February 18, 2025
Well, not quite, but it certainly looks strange at first glance.
— KennyKBilly (@KeepingKen) November 13, 2023
A shot over the middle of the Pacific appears to show a ridge surrounding an eerie pit of black, seemingly plunging deep into the Earth.
Other observers suggested it had been blurred out for national pic.twitter.com/oqhmpiwiAh
I keep seeing Vostok Island in meditation and I've been digging to see what it could be relevant to. Is it a possible location for the Underground UAP? Maybe it has something to do with the Volcano and water images I've been receiving. pic.twitter.com/Dzp767joOe
— Shane Frakes (@OldVetSymposium) February 20, 2025


On a coral cay like Heron Island, Pisonia trees offer birds nesting materials and roosts but their seeds of are sticky with resin entangling birds of all ages and sizes. Life, death and compost in one convenient, poignant package. pic.twitter.com/ervfXNw0WF
— Russell Kelley (@BYOGUIDES) December 9, 2021
他にもある! Google マップが映し出す不思議な風景
今回の「ブラックホール」疑惑はヴォストック島であると判明したが、Google マップが捉えた奇妙な風景が話題になることは珍しくない。これまでも「カザフスタンに出現したスワスティカ型の地上絵」「南極の雪の中に現れた巨大なドア」等、ネット上で議論を巻き起こした写真は数多く存在する。
In Photos: Google Earth Reveals Sprawling Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan http://t.co/8mXGUUdgU4 pic.twitter.com/kmkk10xs2z
— Live Science (@LiveScience) October 1, 2014
Google Maps image allegedly shows a large 'door' in the Antarctic ice https://t.co/WLAkt5bDJp pic.twitter.com/snleQfvqYu
— Reg Saddler (@zaibatsu) April 2, 2024
今回の「ブラックホール」のように、謎があっけなく解明する場合もあるが、謎が謎を呼ぶものもある。今後も、Google マップが捉えた不思議な場所が新たな驚きをもたらし、その度に話題となるだろう。